01:08:20duration 1 hour 8 minutes
Magical Realism and Colonial Trauma - CAMD…
Magical Realism and Colonial Trauma - CAMD Scholar Emiliano Càceres Manzano
01:03:42duration 1 hour 3 minutes
Hawaiian Cultural Program and Performance of…
Hawaiian Cultural Program and Performance of "My Name Is Opukaha'ia" Featuring Moses Goods and Po'ai Lincoln
01:46:38duration 1 hour 46 minutes
He Ao 'Olelo: Performance of "My Name…
He Ao 'Olelo: Performance of "My Name Is Opukaha'ia" and Humanities Panel Discussion
October 4, 2019 - Kemper Auditorium
01:12:11duration 1 hour 12 minutes
Terrance Hayes Poetry Reading
One of the most compelling voices in American…
00:13duration 13 seconds
Claire Messud
January 24, 2014 - Acclaimed Novelist Claire…
Bulfinch Rededication 2013
Rededication Ceremony for the renovation of…