CAMD Scholar Jane Park ’22 will present "Playing with Fire: Asian American Youth, Agency, and Ownership in K-Pop" on Monday, May 9, at 7 p.m. This event, which is free and open to the public, will take place in Kemper Auditorium. Join us at 6:30 p.m. for a dessert reception in the lobby. Park’s faculty advisor is Dr. Lilia Cai, chair and instructor in Chinese on the Dr. Yuan Han Instructorship.
With frequent appearances in western media and record-breaking accomplishments, American
media has described K-pop as a “growing South Korean phenomenon.” However, as the K in
K-pop is hyper-emphasized, can K-pop’s wins truly be treated as wins for the Asian American
community? How do K-pop’s increased media exposure and widespread American popularity affect the ways in which Asian/American consumers negotiate and control their racialized identities? Park analyzes the current positionality of K-pop in the western hegemonic music industry and its potential to empower Asian/American audiences through discussing the history of K-pop, mechanisms of global racial capitalism, and Homi K. Bhabha’s Third Space
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